Soul Flow: Message From Beyond the Veil

Soul Flow: Message From Beyond the Veil

Ruth Bader Ginsburg


Beautiful humans–

I could hang on no longer and my soul told me it was time to depart this earthly body. I was willing to hang in there for longer but I was told by those in the know, think higher entities, that it was TIME to go.

One woman cannot do it all. I appreciate the love and adoration that you have given me, but KNOW that you have it ALL inside you. YOU have the POWER, you have the strength. STOP looking outside yourselves. YOU are IT. If you don’t believe this, start cultivating your power, your inner knowing, your light. YOU HAVE IT. You just need to open your eyes and see. Listen to the truth of your soul. SEE who you ARE.

I had to leave because I was done but MAINLY because you all need to do the work. Are you rising up more than ever? Are you speaking up even more now that there is FEAR of what the current administration will do? Are you witnessing the greatest uprising in history? AND it will get more intense. So PREPARE YOURSELF.

One woman cannot do it for you. One person can inspire but you all need to inspire yourselves. I was but a candle flame or lit match that ignited many of you. Ignite each other. Share with each other. Stand arm in arm to defend WHAT YOU BELIEVE. We are watching and seeing the beautiful unification of all you hold dear. Please don’t buy into the earth existence as EXACTLY what appears. This can be misleading. If you can, remember a time in your life where you thought all was lost and then SOMETHING happened and things shifted and appeared miraculous. Hold onto that thought. There is more at work here than you can see or envision.

‘There are more things in Heaven and EarthHoratio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.’ Perhaps it seems a bit silly to quote Shakespeare, but this is an apt message.

As humans it is entirely appropriate to mourn me, my physical self, but let it be the start, the fuel to your flames. Your flames of outrage, of rising up, of awe, of anger, of “we’re not going to take it anymore”, your righteous indignation. Fan those flames.

I will come back with more. For now I am in a beautiful place and I AM in your hearts. Remember WHO you are. AMAZING AND POWERFUL. More than you know. So KNOW it.


5 thoughts on “Soul Flow: Message From Beyond the Veil

  1. Dear Elizabeth,
    What an inspiring message!

    Rise up. Accept and express your power. We are the leaders.

    Thank you, Ruth, for inspiring us both while of the earth and beyond. And thank you, Elizabeth, for allowing Justice Ruth to speak to us through you.
    Love Brenda

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Since her death, I’ve read a few articles on her but for some reason this one brought tears to my eyes. Good tears. Lol. And that’s because it went deeper than just her human persona. You brought to us her soul’s voice. Beautiful. 💜

    Liked by 2 people

  3. An interestingly, I just read this article posted today.

    “So we look to the Nine for our salvation. But they are not—and in truth have never been—our Saviors. Only the people can save the left.

    And that is Justice Ginsburg’s parting gift. Her death leaves the left no option but to fight the political battles.”


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