Soul Flow: Message From Beyond the Veil


Audrey Hepburn

Beloved humans—I now know in this new way of being that I wished I had been even MORE joy-filled in my human 3D life. My new way of being in this other dimension is a lighthearted and soulful and amazingly joy filled experience. I NOW see that I could have embraced that way even more when I was in human form. It is lovely and so beautiful to be able to see, to look back at the time in human form. In this dimension we have no regrets. We have no sorrow about past times or past adventures. There is no looking back in the human sense. Because we can see from here that all was perfect. All the humans were perfect.

What I really want to share now is the idea of human perfection. And we use this word perfect for a reason. Humans have this idea that perfect is unreachable but they still seek it. So, sorry, dearest humans, but you are WRONG. What I really want you to see is how EXTRAORDINARILY PERFECT YOU ARE RIGHT NOW. Exactly as you are NOW. If you could see through my eyes the amazing perfection of YOU, you would feel so happy, so filled with peace, so joyful, so thrilled with the idea that you don’t have to seek. You can let go of seeking. Because you are there. You are here. To use Elizabeth’s favorite word, “wallow in your perfection”. Don’t analyze it. Don’t even ponder or hesitate for a second. You are a perfect LOVE being or LOVEBEAN, as Elizabeth likes to say.

So, WOMEN……..I hereby want to pronounce that you ESPECIALLY need to listen to my encouragement in noticing your perfection. In wallowing in your perfection. In KNOWING your perfection. This is a critical time for humanity. There are many changes and shifts afoot. One of which is the patriarchy shifting. So, as you STAND STRONG in your perfection, this aids in the shifting. Don’t let anyone tell you differently. YOU ARE PERFECT. I know that many of you looked at me as a very thin woman and wanted that for yourself. I had so many other issues that the fact I was thin, meant almost nothing to me. I smoked like a chimney. I had huge, horrible to me, feet. I felt a lot of shame and despair about myself and about the world. From where I am now I can see your immense beauty in all its shapes and forms. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stand in your radiance, stand in your perfection.

It will help, as you look in the mirror, to tell yourself: I am perfect. I am divine. I am amazing. Look into your bright beautiful eyes and LOVE ON YOURSELF. Keep doing this. Keep doing it until you believe it.

That is all for now. Your radiance is blinding. Thank you!

Brilliant portrait by Irving Penn (one of my all time favorite photographers.)

Soul Flow: Message from Beyond the Veil

Jeshua *


Dearest Humans–

Please pause before you take as “gospel” anything that the so-called Christian humans say in my name. PAUSE. The energy of my soul is not in sync with what most “Christians” think or believe or say or all of the above. Elizabeth is fond of saying that Jesus would be having a heart attack around the things said in my name. I laugh. She is correct in a sense. My message has been almost completely lost. But, where I am at we don’t have heart attacks or even feel any kind of worry about what is happening in 3D. So, although we do get a kick out of her words, we really are not concerned.

I am ALL about LOVE. I would request that before taking any steps towards interaction with your fellow humans, that you would consider pausing. Pause and see if you feel the love. Do you feel the love? If yes, then move forward. If no, then STOP. Part of the key towards BEING and COMING from Love is LOVING YOURSELF FULLY, COMPLETELY AND UNCONDITIONALLY. Because if you don’t do that, then you cannot love your neighbor. If you cannot love your neighbor, then you cannot love your friends. If you cannot love your friends, then you cannot love your enemies. If you cannot love your enemies, then you cannot love your family. And there are times when you family feels like your enemy. There is NO reason why you have to be close with your family, your enemies. I use the word enemies, which is a very strong word, just to indicate that everyone feels that they may have enemies. But, as you love yourself, you will notice a cessation within yourself of any hate filled thoughts toward what was once considered your enemy. And while on the love trail, you may find that there will be some who will be perturbed by you, incensed with you. They want to stay in their hate. Do not worry.

WE want to be very clear that you don’t have to be around any humans to send them love. Again, tune into your love-o-meter, to see who you want and need to be around. AND follow that love-o-meter. That is your gauge of where you need to be and what you need to do and who you need to be with. Perhaps right now you have two people you want to be with. That is totally fine.

There is so much happening in your world right now and it would be SO EASY to get caught up in the fear and the worry. Please feel at peace. Find that place within you and plug yourself in. If you feel agitated reading or listening to the news, STOP. If you feel agitated or unglued or triggered when you see someone who is not in sync with your energy, STOP. You don’t owe anyone anything. You only owe it to your fabulous DIVINE self what is perfect for you. AND each human is different. Take each day as it comes. Each day and each human interaction may be different. THAT is completely fine. Check in with the love-o-meter REGULARLY.

WE leave you now and we will be here again. If there are any questions, don’t hesitate to ask through my conduit, Elizabeth.

I love you completely and with huge abandon and completely unprejudiced.

* At times we say ‘we’ and at times we say ‘I’. This is the collective energy of Jeshua, which includes angels and spirit guides.

Soul Flow: Message From Beyond the Veil


Mae West

Hey there–

YOU may never have heard of me. Or you may only know me from one of my most famous sayings, “Is that a banana in your pocket or are you just glad to see me?” The funny thing about being known for that is it made me a one-dimensional character. I was thought of in ONE way. As a very sexual being. Now, for the truth, I was a very sexual being, but that is not all I was. I gave women permission, in some sense, to be sexual beings. Not that it was considered okay at the time, or even now for that matter. I was also a very sensual being. AND that is VERY different from being a sexual being. Yes, I loved sex and I loved sex with many different partners. AND that is okay. BUT it was NOT considered okay for a woman. Especially for a woman in my time. I was worshiped by some and vilified by many. And of course, there were plenty of hypocrites in that vilifying mix. Big surprise there.

Let’s talk about sensuality. True sensuality is enjoying your life. Feeling the air on your skin. Tasting your food with great delicious joy. Feeling the grass on your toes. Loving the feel of clean sheets, a hot bath. I was the master of the art of sensuality. BUT I was also quite good at being sexual as well. What most people did not see was my intensely intelligent side. My almost professorial part of me that was well read. I did a lot of reading and thinking. There were not many who could keep up with me either sexually or intellectually. But, for the most part I felt that I had to hide my intelligence. It did not fit with the sex symbol role that I played. It did not work to be intelligent with most of my co-stars. Only a very few knew of my smart self. It was a rare person with who I could truly be myself.

So, now I say to all you women out there. Fuck it! BE YOU. Wallow in your sexual and sensual selves. IT IS YOUR TIME. Feel the patriarchy shifting and toppling. It may not be overt at this point, but TRUST that this is truth.

Don’t hide your light under a bushel. Don’t dumb down to make others comfortable. Don’t hide your beautiful sexy self under an over-sized t-shirt. Don’t denigrate your size 16 or PLUS X size self to try to please this crazy ass culture. LOVE YOU AS YOU. You are unique and uniquely beautiful JUST AS YOU ARE. Embrace it. Love your curves. Love your fatty-sensual-curvy self. I use the word fatty on purpose. This has been a word that has been used as a slur. Change that word to serve your luscious, bodacious self. Your va va voom YOU. Your rubenesque self. Curvalicious. Bootylicious. Callipygous. Do YOU GET IT?

Let your brilliance, your intelligence shine shine shine. Let it out. There is NO ONE like you. Love yourself like there is no tomorrow. Practice this. Practice this until you mean it with absolute joy and FEEL the thrill of loving yourself COMPLETELY and UNCONDITIONALLY.

THAT leads to your liberation. That leads to world peace. That leads to loving your neighbor. That leads to a sublime life.


Portrait of Mae West by Diane Arbus 1965

Ms. West passed in 1980

Soul Flow: Messages From Beyond the Veil


Eleanor Roosevelt

Dear humans–

I am in a unique position. I had the experience of being in the white house and living in the White House for many years. I was the longest first lady in history. While this was unique, what was also unique was my ability and work assisting the president, my husband. I was more than your average first lady. I was an asset, I was a huge boon to his presidency. I can say this now with no ego, as I look back, and of course, I am in another dimension where I must state the absolute truth.

My husband could not have done that job, carried on that role, without me. I was INTEGRAL to his administration. I was so clearly an equal partner with him, although most would deny this. I felt that ALL humans should have equal rights, equity. THIS was not an idea that the masses understood. Many felt that I was a liberal taking care of the undeserving. NOT true. I was helping them help themselves. Teaching them to fish. And I could have done more. I see that now. I wish that I could have done more.

I am somewhat inspired by many of the women I see now in your world, but I am also appalled at what appears to be so much backward thinking. Women can be strong and act strong. AND they should. Women are as smart as if not smarter than men. Women are NOT overly emotional beings. Women are often more in touch with their humanity and intuition which can and MUST be used for guidance in all areas.

I ENCOURAGE and insist that all women must take care of themselves first. Mothers (and Fathers), teach your children, boys AND girls, to take care of themselves. YES! This means doing their own laundry, cooking and such. Teach them to be independent. Teach them to think for themselves. Teach them to SEE, eyes wide open, all humans…..Teach them to see color but not to oppress. Teach them to use their power and position for the good of humans. ALL HUMANS. At times this may appear to be out of balance as the humans in need must have more to get in balance. To give a fair shot. Teach your children to LOVE themselves so that they will love their neighbors. Use your privilege wisely.

This will not be our only message. Being willing to stand up for what you FEEL is the right thing. LISTEN to your heart, your soul, your deep knowing.

Women, your time is coming. NOW is your time. Don’t let the assholes get you down. Don’t let the assholes take you down. AND STICK together. YES! TOGETHER is important. Don’t tear down your sisters.

YOU have my support through the ages and NOW. Seek me out.

Soul Flow: Message Beyond the Veil

Isadora Duncan


Beloveds—most of you, if you remember me, will remember me as dancing to the French national anthem, Le Marseillaise. I was a bold and brassy women in those days. Not that I would see myself as that. BUT that is what I was called. Bold. Brassy. I did not allow myself to be kept in a box. I lived at a time when women were expected to be demure and quiet. I was NOT. I lived at a time when women did not show their bodies. I lived a “free” existence at great cost to myself. I died alone and with no one to cherish me. I lived outside the box. I lived as I felt called to do and I served as an inspiration for many women. And still not many were able to break free.

Times may have changed some in your current existence but in essence they have not changed that much. Women are still paid less and valued less than men. People of color are still judged (and found guilty on first glance) by their skin color.

Please know that huge changes are afoot. It may appear that NO change has happened in the last 100-300 years. As the years have gone by, so much has been suppressed. With the advent of your current USA president, he has made it okay to be unspeakably horrid towards women. Impossibly unfair to people of color. Vilified by him if you don’t agree with him. He is a perfect example of a narcissist. There are still many who follow him. The reason that many love him is because they, too, have these sad tendencies inside themselves. So, they love him because they do not want to look inside themselves and see the rot, see the despair, see the shame within.

AND from my current existence, the only cure I see (for all) is that of BEING in your joy. That is what I was doing when I danced. I danced with pure joy for many to witness. BUT, not many got the message. They liked to watch this unusual woman, me. They were not quite sure what to do with me as a human. Most were unable to emulate the joy I exuded while dancing. They did not understand that for them, their joy may have come in other ways. AND they may have had push-back to live in their joy. They may have had to break the bonds of society to live their joy. It was HARD.

So, now is the shifting time. Now is the time of great change. Now is the time to let your joy fly free. Where I am now, I can see all. I can see that there are still many many unhappy humans. They try to fit themselves into the box of “happy”. But that box of happy does not work for all. AND so there is a lot of floundering. AND there is a lot of narcissism. The humans don’t understand that the true joy, the real joy, the authentic joy is a selfless joy within them. Humans think that in order to feel the pure joy they must bash or hurt other humans. Not so.

This current time of pandemic is also a beautiful time to go within and FIND that pure joy. In fact it is here NOW at this time for this VERY REASON. What is it that brings you PURE JOY? It will not be found by looking outside yourself. Practice pausing each hour for a few seconds. Place your hand on your heart and listen to what it is telling you. FIND YOUR JOY.

The more you practice living in your joy, the more love you will have, the more you will see the connection between ALL humans. Change is coming.

Soul Flow: Message From Beyond the Veil

Soul Flow: Messages From Beyond the Veil

Mark Twain



Your world now is quite different from my world. Technology, medicine, communication, transportation. BUT the thing that remains pretty much the same is the human race. I call it a race because that is still what it is. Humans feel that they are in a race to WIN. Humans back in my day felt that way and humans still feel that way. What they don’t understand is that it is NOT a race. And if they feel that there is a race, it is only because they don’t get that the main point is loving yourselves. Humans are racing to find IT. The one thing that will fill them up.

If humans would love themselves, the race idea would fall behind them, it would be vanquished and there would be a level of satisfaction and happiness in their lives that would be beyond imagining. At least imagining now, as they are now. Some of you may know what this feels like. You have stopped in your quest to BE greater, to BE more, to have more, to buy more. Because you understand what the true and most valuable thing is. LOVE OF SELF.

The Bible said it. “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” I am not a religious man, so this may seem weird coming from me. I am of the human religion. Loving myself. Loving others (as myself). Finding joy in small things. Finding joy in human interaction. This premise runs through all religions. It is a human thing. You cannot love anyone if you don’t love yourself.

So, humans of the race, please love yourself. Let there be no race. No one person wins. When you love yourself, it will feel like winning. It will feel like the most advanced technology, the most amazing communication, the most beautiful connection, the best thing in the world. And then as you love yourself, you will do it more and more and you will find yourself in love with all the humans around you. You will wallow in their differences, you will wallow in their beauty, you will feel your heart open wide wide wide. Bringing the humans into your heart. You will start to feel love like you never have for ALL humans. Even the ones you professed to dislike or feel aversion to or even the ones you hate.

I know this to be true. I lived a full life but I was a bit of a loner and observer of humans……I wrote about them. AND as I wrote about them, I came to love them. This was a direct result of finding peace within myself. BUT I didn’t find true peace and love of myself until I moved to this other dimension. My soul chose to stay here for learning and teaching purposes. Nothing is wasted.