
“I want to help you feel what it’s like to be around Elizabeth, to hear her words, to feel the feelings that surround you, and to be uplifted by the spirit of her readings. The closest I can come is this.
It’s a perfect spring morning with a just-warm-enough sun that bathes the world in soft golden pink light. Nearby a brook dances over the moss-covered stones in its path. You are refreshed in the pungent sweet breath of trees, herbs, and flowers…
Then, faintly at first, but soon bursting forth fully, comes a delightful upswelling of giggles, chortles, guffaws, belly laughs, tinkling fairies, and raucous, joyous laughter…  And as Elizabeth delivers messages from the chorus of helpers who surround her, I feel so seen and loved and encouraged as my visions become clear and my heart becomes lighter and full of strength.  
It really doesn’t get any better than this!”

Tara Aders

“The readings and guidance from Elizabeth Sadhu have been invaluable to me.  There were times I wanted to connect with a deceased loved one, and through Elizabeth I received extremely clear and direct connections from those who had passed.  I got confirmations of things I had been feeling, and I sensed such a deep love from them. I also felt a beautiful and compassionate connection with Elizabeth, with the healing energies of her soul and her entourage of guides.  There were times I needed guidance and assistance with physical issues, and I always felt soothed and a sense of deep healing after our sessions.  She helped put things into a higher perspective for me. I love her clarity, her warmth and her humor. It’s comforting to know she is there, and so approachable and compassionate. I consider Elizabeth a true touchstone to the Soul.”

Maria Chambers


“Elizabeth and I met online ten years ago through a mutual friend. Even though we’ve never met physically, she and I share a bond that goes far beyond the Internet or telephone contacts.  Throughout those ten years, we’ve exchanged channels, spiritual information, virtual hugs, and handholding. Those times when I was too fearful or confused to channel for myself, Elizabeth’s channels helped me better understand the issue and touched me deeply. 

What I didn’t know until this year is she’s also a remarkable channel for beings who have transitioned from the earth. Elizabeth volunteered to connect with my Uncle who died unexpectedly in March. Her message from my Uncle filled me with peace as well as information from another dimension. 

I highly recommend Elizabeth’s special skills for anyone needing answers or responses.”

Brenda Hoffman

Channeler of the weekly Brenda’s Blog for Life Tapestry Creations and WordPress. https://lifetapestrycreations.wordpress.com/

And Brenda’s spoken channeled blog. https://www.blogtalkradio.com/brenda-hoffman